I’m still working on transferring things from the forum WoJ section to this new site slowly (I expect to get the bulk of it done during the holiday if not everything). In the mean time, I came across an old knnn post on reddit pointing out a random WoJ on youtube that I added to the Archive of Jim’s posts on Amazon (And other random websites)
Long term, I intend to write posts like this one when I upload new content to the site, and as that was the first “new” content rather than an transfer from the old forum, I wrote up this update post
Jim wrote a comment to A fan made Dresden Files Music Video
DAMN but I love this video. I watch it when I need to get motivated to write.
Whoever put this together, do not doubt that you are awesome.
Long term, I intend to write posts like this one when I upload new content to the site, and as that was the first “new” content rather than an transfer from the old forum, I wrote up this update post
Edited to add:
I just added a few links to the main WoJ Source Link Page from the running collection topic I had on the forums.
ComicMix Dragon Con 2016 interview (video)
Jim Butcher Q&A at Myths and Legends Convention (August) 2016
Snippit of Dragoncon 2016 Q&A
Pathfinder RPG live at DragonCon 2016 w/Jim Butcher, Monica Rial, Ian Frazier, and Richard Garriott
Is there a link to the music video?
And thank you Serack, for all of your work on this and in the past.
bah, sorry, I’ll have to dig it up, thought I included it in the update.